Wednesday 11 June 2014

Print four beamer slides per sheet

Of course, on Linux CLI:
pdfnup --landscape --nup 2x2 --frame true --no-tidy --delta '5mm 5mm' --scale 0.95 input.pdf

Saturday 22 February 2014

Clean up filled up partitions in Linux: mount subdirectories elsewhere

I have two major partitions in my Linux box: / and /home. My root partition was getting dangerously crowded and I got a "disk full" error a number of times.

I had the following idea: mount some large subdirectory from / in /home. In particular, I decided to move there my /usr/local/lib/R/site-library directory (R packages, in the order of 1GB).

Here is how I did it. First, I moved move the required directories:
su -
cd /usr/local/lib/R/
mv site-library /home

Then, I edited the /etc/fstab file adding the line

tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0

to it in order to persist the changes. (Mind that the spaces are actually tabs).

Finally, I ran

mount -a

Friday 15 November 2013

Get better performance and life from your SSD in Linux-based systems

I recently purchased a new laptop which came with a 24GB SSD disk. In order to get the most of this technology and prevent unnnecessary writes (which affects the longevity of these systems) I kind of followed the superb advice given at Get better performance and life from your SSD in Linux-based systems.

In particular, I mounted the /home directory in the tradicional HD and moved temporary directories (e.g., /tmp) to RAM.

Works as a charm!

Friday 9 November 2012

Google link converter

Links provided in the search results of Google look something like
when the URL it links to is simply
This tool allows users to transform the former into the later for easier copying and pasting.

Monday 30 July 2012

Apache ignoring mod_rewrite rules?

Then it is very likely in the site configuration file, usually at
you have directives such as
AllowOverride None 
Change them to
AllowOverride All 
and try again.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Unique rows in vim

Simple! Just

:sort u

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Sending UTF-8 mail with PHP

I was facing issues sending mail encoded as UTF-8 via PHP. In order to do it properly, you need to set UTF-8 as the encoding for the mail function (first line of code below). Then, mail can be sent (second line).

mb_send_mail( '', 'Polite subject', $message, $headers );